Get information on the lg lollipop gd580. find pictures and technical specifications for this lg product gd580.. City database per country. romania city population .xls – i made originally in 1999 in word sourcing data from books then remade in 2006 in excel format sourcing data from wikipedia pages of each city (hours of work!).. Eligible stocks: shanghai connect: northbound trading: change of list of sse securities/china connect securities (april 2018) list of sse securities/china connect securities (stocks eligible for both buy and sell) (xls / csv).
I got a database of hdb resale transactions from 1990 to present and spent over 10 hours studying them and doing data analysis in excel.. Allowed file extensions - dxf dwg x_t prt she stp igs iges mcx sldprt pdf txt doc docx docm dotx dotm xls xlsx xlsm xltx xltm xlsb xlam ppt pptx pptm potx potm ppam ppsx ppsm sldx sldm thmx zip.. Historical data. spreadsheet of archived data; this file is updated between 6.00 a.m. and 6.30 a.m nyt the following day after trading. note: this spreadsheet is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. no part of this document may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of spdr gold shares.